Shooting the Pros Cycling Around Tahoe



The phone rings and two days later I find myself on the back of  a motorcycle shooting  three world class cyclist who lead the Radio Shack-Trek Pro Race Team.

Luxembourg’s Andy Schlecht, The 2010 Tour de France winner came to the area with his brother Frank and Jens Voigt, their legendary German veteran teammate.  Their mission was to explore Tahoe, train and support two great local causes.  Reno -Tahoe Cycling sponsored the first ever “Ride with the Pros” event last Thursday and Friday and raised funds well needed funds for the Tahoe-Pyramid Bikeway and the Tour De Nez-vada.   For fan and cycle activist alike, it was a big success.

I have watched the tour de France coverage for the past decade and have always marveled at the incredible POV imagery that daredevil camera men consistently deliver.  I have always imagined that they used special rigging to facilitated their up close perspective necessary to capture these flying cyclist…I was wrong.   These photo teams barrel across the countryside on motorcycles, trying to stay one very close step ahead of the actual racers and their projected path while always being ready for the unexpected road bump that makes the sport so deliciously dynamic and unpredictable.   The drivers navigate a whole host of moving and stationary obstacles at high speeds while the camera men rides blind to the world around them, lost in the focus of their cycling subjects and the pursuit of the perfect shot.

I have experienced this tunnel vision many, many times before.  Just never on an trafficked winding street  from the back of a motorcycle.   After years of hanging out of helicopters, boats, cars with harnesses and dangling ropes or while flying along  on skis I was surprised how new and fun this perspective felt.   For two days, my dear friend and cinematographer, Tom Day and I traded off camera angles, shooting POV off the back of the bike as well as fixed angle on stationary ground strategically gained by leap frogging ahead.    More than once plans shifted,  routes changed , and the timing evolved, we went with the flow.   For both days, we were energized by a large group of  local cyclist fans and friends who came out in force share the road with these great legends.

Neither of us made the shift to riding backwards.   No question that it would have afforded a much more flexible angle on our moving targets…For me, hanging on was the bigger concern.   Instead, when it came time for the one key shot that I had scouted around Emerald Bay,  I settled for a 6 foot pole cam mount to elevate the camera and mounted an ultra wide 14 mm  lens to make sure that I didn’t miss…


Shooting from the back of the motorcylce with my nikon D800 and a 14mm rectalinear lens mounted to a 6 ft pole


Team Radio Schack riding up Blackwood Canyon


Tom Day shooting with Red Camera


Jumping ahead and scrambling for an elevated fixed camera angle


Pole Cam angle over Emerald Bay


Tom Day with Hank Devre

The Amazing ARC



The Adventure Risk Challenge (ARC) changes lives.  It is an incredible leadership and literacy program that makes a difference!  Every summer, 10 young adults are exposed for 40 days to a range of natural environments & wilderness experiences designed to inspire the confidence needed to envision & accomplish critical life goals.



1044076_10151526605788589_1430433241_nThis is the second year, that I have had the opportunity to participate in this Cal Berkley sponsored program and I am hooked.  Experiencing first hand the transformation of these sparked youths as they face their fears and become empowered is awesome.  From my first visit to the home base at  Sage Hen north of Truckee, I was struck by the power and beauty of the land.  It was there that I met Jose’.   With a heart of gold and an openness that touched me deep, he inspired me.


Ten days later, after a five day backpack trip into the High Sierra, including a 24hr solo introspective journey, they descended into Squaw and paid us a visit at the gallery.  It had only been a short time since I had seen them last, but the transformation I  heard in their voices and saw in their body language was unmistakable.  They were happy and tired from their immersion in our backyard.  They were covered in a beautiful soft layer of dust and had big smiles with eyes sparkling bright.   As I showed them around the gallery, sharing stories about faraway lands they engaged me with a slew of probing questions that made the entire Gallery team smile.    An air of Inspiration, openness and hope filled our creative space and reminded us all how lucky we are live a life of daily passion… Living in the moment, being adventurous, taking chances to be all you can be is everyone’s true calling.

Last night, we met up again, this time at the gracious Cedar House in Truckee for ARC’s 10th  annual Voices of Youth.  The room was filled by our beautiful mountain tribe.  One by one each of the ten students got up, exposed themselves and shared their personal stories of challenge and hope.  Each and everyone spoke their truths and touched us all deeply.  When they were done it was my turn. I looked out at these amazing kids and was filled with love and hope.  I shared my perspective, my  own path of Adventure, Risk and Challenge and the unexpected journey that lead me to the PUSH to the south pole.  How Grant and Shawns Korgan’s Love trumped the most incredible physical feat I had ever seen and how the experience had transformed me…Learning first hand how unrelenting focus and positivity can make anything possible.


Thank You ARC.


From my humble perspective, your team of dedicated souls makes all the difference.


Kenny and McKenzies Amazing Squaw Wedding


This past weekend was incredible.  My friends McKenzie and Kenny got married in Squaw, the celebration was incredibly beautiful, fun and true.

For four days we came together and celebrated with great family from close and afar.   We feasted on wonderful food and live music.   The fun and joy resonated off the walls of our beautiful valley as we played into the starry night again and again.

The light was magnificent and shined in the eyes and hearts of all who came to share.

To McKenzie and Kenny…I wish you the very best in life together.  May you live, love and continue to inspire everyone who is lucky enough to cross your serendipitous path.

Blessed Be.


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For more on all fours – Black Ties and lots of tails

Keoki gained perspective while maintaining the camera angle at Golden Retriever eye level at the Annual Black Tie and Tales event at the Ritz Carlton, Northstar on February 16th. The event grows in success each year with this years proceeds breaking all previous records. The highlight is pup and master outfit pairings.

I love you more

I love you more

Who's best dressed?

Who’s best dressed?

Order your Black Tie and Tails images now

Go to to view fabulous photos from Black Tie and Tales.
Over 300 images to choose from. Call or e mail Gallery Keoki to place orders. 530-583-1404; Images can be purchased as standard size unframed photos, prints on Metal (ready for wall hanging or table top display), or as a digital file for personal unlimited use. Special pricing available. Shipping included. Gallery Keoki will donate a portion of all sales to the Humane Society. Thank you so much for your support and see you next year. Aloha.

Dan Morgan with first mate - just don't tie the leash to the chair again..... :)

Dan Morgan with first mate – just don’t tie the leash to the chair again….. 🙂